Updates & Product History

Realistic Decomposition - Installation
Looking for a more realistic way to dispose of your characters? Add Realistic Decomposition to your game! This asset can be added to your project in less than two minutes...
Realistic Decomposition - Installation
Looking for a more realistic way to dispose of your characters? Add Realistic Decomposition to your game! This asset can be added to your project in less than two minutes...

Sidewalk Debris & Trash - Cigarettes, Masks, Gu...
This pack allows you to quickly add optimized and photo-realistic cigarette debris to your scene. These asset's aim to achieve photo realism, while being optimized enough to use as ground...
Sidewalk Debris & Trash - Cigarettes, Masks, Gu...
This pack allows you to quickly add optimized and photo-realistic cigarette debris to your scene. These asset's aim to achieve photo realism, while being optimized enough to use as ground...

Luggage, Suitcases and Handbags - Product Guide
Packed up in a hurry? Cover your world with high-quality luggage, suitcase, and handbag assets.
Luggage, Suitcases and Handbags - Product Guide
Packed up in a hurry? Cover your world with high-quality luggage, suitcase, and handbag assets.

Apocalyptic Zombie Collection - Changelog
This page outlines recommended documentation, version history, roadmaps and FAQ's.
Apocalyptic Zombie Collection - Changelog
This page outlines recommended documentation, version history, roadmaps and FAQ's.

Animated Blood Decals - Changelog
Is your game lacking that extra oomph? Animate your blood decals and make each decal count with flipbook decals and a custom decal blueprint actor.
Animated Blood Decals - Changelog
Is your game lacking that extra oomph? Animate your blood decals and make each decal count with flipbook decals and a custom decal blueprint actor.

Modular Suburban Metal Fence - Product Guide
This fence is based on a popular Australian suburban fencing brand. It fits well in suburban and industrial environments. This pack is heavily optimized, with all meshes relying on only...
Modular Suburban Metal Fence - Product Guide
This fence is based on a popular Australian suburban fencing brand. It fits well in suburban and industrial environments. This pack is heavily optimized, with all meshes relying on only...